[Smart City] Kresna: A game and Cultural Tourism Information System with the Gamification Concept

Fira Ahda
8 min readJan 23, 2024


Project Overview: Kresna is one of the smart city concepts entered into the national competition: GEMASTIK XV which will be held in 2022. This project was developed by Angin Team which consists of 3 members (Aulia Safira Ahda, Reizi Fiqriansyah, and Thalia Maharani N.H.) with me as a leader and 1 supervisor, Mr. Rahadian Kurniawan. Our team successfully entered the final stage of this competition representing Universitas Islam Indonesia. Kresna has been registered in Intellectual Property Rights (IPR/HKI).


Yogyakarta Special Region is a province that is often used as a main destination for local and foreign tourists. Yogyakarta has various kinds of natural riches that can be used as tourist attractions. Apart from that, Yogyakarta is famous for its strong culture, which attracts domestic and foreign tourists to visit Yogyakarta. Based on data from (BPS D.I. Yogyakarta Province, n.d.), the number of foreign tourists visiting Yogyakarta reached 2,077 people from April to October 2022. In addition, based on data taken by BPS, the occupancy rate of star hotel rooms from January to August 2022 reached 54.19%. domestic tourists visiting Yogyakarta during 2022 will reach 1,975,673 people.

Graph of Number of Tourist Visits for D.I.Yogyakarta Province

With the many potentials that Yogyakarta has as one of the provinces in Indonesia, the Yogyakarta Special Region Provincial Tourism Office aims to develop tourism potential in Yogyakarta Province. However, tourists who visit Yogyakarta often visit tourist attractions that are already popular. This causes many tourist attractions that are rarely visited to become unpopular and unkempt. For example, one of the tourist attractions frequently visited by tourists is the Gembira Loka Zoo. In 2020, the number of visitors to Gembira Loka reached 300,960 people. However, this data is much higher when compared to data on tourists visiting the Sonobudoyo Museum, which only amounted to 13,242 during 2020. Based on this data, it can be concluded that tourists visiting Yogyakarta still do not have an even distribution of tourists.

Data on Visitors to Tourist Attractions in D.I.Yogyakarta Province

Currently, the development of a smart city-based city is being intensively promoted. One of the technologies developed in smart cities is smart tourism. Smart tourism itself utilizes potential and resources as well as innovations related to technology in the tourism sector. The development of smart tourism is the result of a combination of tourist cities and smart city technology (Habeeb & Weli, 2020). Implementing smart tourism is the right solution for the city of Yogyakarta, which is a tourist city.

Based on the description of the problem, a system is needed that can support an even distribution of the popularity of tourist attractions in Yogyakarta. Researchers have the idea of creating a smart tourism system that uses the concept of gamification. The use of gamification in tourism applications will motivate users to carry out an activity (Xu et al., 2017) and manipulate tourist movements in Yogyakarta (Asy’ari et al., 2021). The games in this application will be assisted by the use of Augmented Reality which is able to integrate real world environments with computer generated content. The system is in the form of a mobile game called Kresna which can be played by tourists visiting Yogyakarta.

About The Apps


The Kresna application was developed with the aim of increasing the number of domestic and foreign tourists. With the Kresna application, it is hoped that it will be able to increase the attractiveness of the cultural tourism experience for tourists visiting Yogyakarta. Apart from that, with this application, the government can easily find a strategy to increase the number of tourists in Yogyakarta.


With the development of the Kresna application, it is hoped that it will be able to produce the following benefits.

  • Tourist interest in tourist attractions in Yogyakarta is increasing.
  • Introducing and teaching Yogyakarta culture and customs to the community.
  • Improving the economy of communities around tourist attractions that are not yet popular.
  • Increase the number of tourists from outside Yogyakarta.
  • Providing marketing strategies for tourist attractions for the government of the Special Region of Yogyakarta Province.


The development of the Kresna application will be made with several limitations as follows.

  • The Kresna application applies to the Special Region of Yogyakarta Province.
  • The Kresna application includes a platform in the form of online games that will be played by tourists and an information system that will be used by the provincial government.
  • The Kresna game uses Augmented Reality technology.
  • The two platforms developed are integrated with each other.


Kresna offers two platforms that will be developed. The first platform is the Kresna online game which will later be used by the public as tourists visiting Yogyakarta. The second platform is an information system that will be used by the government as a means to monitor the development of tourist attractions in real time through reviews received from Kresna game players. The two platforms are integrated with each other so they can provide the latest information.

Application overview: Game

Kresna has a gamification concept that utilizes Augmented Reality technology. The challenge of the Kresna game can only be played via mobile phone for travel mobility reasons. The Kresna game development overview has several features as follows.


Maps is the core game of Kresna. This map contains a list of tourist attractions that players must visit. In each of these places, there is a character that must be found. Players must use their smartphone camera to search for the character. The character appears in AR form on the player’s smartphone.

Review and Rating

Players can provide reviews and ratings of tourist attractions they have visited. The review and rating will be directly integrated with the government’s information system.

Application overview: Information System

This information system will be developed based on mobile phones so that government stakeholders can easily check and monitor incoming data from anywhere and at any time

User Target

Some sections of society like games that provide challenges for them. Therefore, the development of Kresna is the right solution to increase the attraction of tourists, especially those interested in traveling games, to visit tourist attractions in Yogyakarta.

Data on people who use the Kresna game will later be recapitulated in the Kresna information system. This data will be processed by the system so that the system can provide recommendations to the government for marketing improvement strategies. Apart from that, the government can also take immediate action if there are reviews regarding damage to tourist attractions.

Implementation process

Stages of Krishna Implementation

So that the development of the Kresna project can run, Kaizen principles are used. These principles offer stages starting from planning, implementation and evaluation.

First Stage: Plan

  1. Research. At this stage, research will be carried out on existing problems in the field. Apart from that, research is also needed on the target users of the Kresna application. This is done so that the features and services available on the Kresna application can be tailored to user needs.
  2. Planning. Based on the problems identified at the research stage, the next stage is application design. At this stage, preparations are required such as related stakeholders, cost budget, and review of legislation.

Second Stage: Do

  1. Prototype design creation. After all the planning stages have been carried out, the next stage is making a prototype. Prototype creation includes the Kresna game and also information systems. The prototype will be created by the application development team which has been planned at the design stage.
  2. Production. At this stage, the game and information system production phase begins.
  3. Testing. The testing stage is needed to look for deficiencies and possible additional features in the Kresna application.
  4. Marketing. The marketing stage is needed to attract people to start using Kresna.

Third Stage: Check

The evaluation stage is the final stage of Kresna application development. The Kresna development project needs to be evaluated so that it can be developed further. The evaluation stage can also be carried out periodically every month.

After all these stages are completed, the method will return to the planning stage so that the Kresna Application can continue to be optimal.


KRESNA User Interface Design

Usage Flow


As a first step that must be taken by players who want to use Kresna, users are required to download the application via Playstore. Players must have an account to be able to access the Kresna game so that game progress can be saved.

Game Section

After having an account, players can immediately select maps to run. There are five Maps offered by Kresna. Maps will contain places that must be visited and challenges that must be completed. Players must look for a hidden AR character in each list of tourist attractions on one map. The challenge will be completed if the player has found the character. Next, the application will direct visitors to continue the next challenge. Before continuing to the next challenge, players can provide a review of the tourist attractions they have visited.

This game will also use a reward system. Players are required to collect the points obtained from each challenge achievement. If a player has reached certain points, the player can exchange them for prizes that will be provided by the government. Prizes can be in the form of food coupons, entrance ticket coupons for festivals in Yogyakarta, and so on.

Activity Report (Information System)

Data obtained from the Kresna game will be entered into the government information system. The government can access this data through the Kresna information system application. Government stakeholders must have an account first so that the data accessed cannot be spread widely. After having an account, the government can immediately see visitor data statistics and also reviews given by players. The government can also look at marketing and development strategies for each tourist attraction.

Government Regulation

The Kresna system was developed with reference to D.I.Yogyakarta Regional Regulation no.1 of 2019 article 17A. The Kresna system can be used as a strategy to revitalize Yogyakarta’s tourist attractions by utilizing technology and cultural knowledge. Apart from that, Kresna’s benefits are also in line with Missions I and II of the RPJMD (Regional Medium Term Development Plan), namely improving community welfare and empowerment, as well as strengthening the people’s economy and competitiveness of the City of Yogyakarta. Kresa will be able to become a special attraction for tourists who want to visit Yogyakarta.

Smart City Concept

Kresna has two main aspects of smart city. The first aspect is Smart Branding, where Kresna is expected to be able to strengthen Yogyakarta’s position as a tourism target area. In addition, Kresna will build a tourism ecosystem and regional business marketing platform with indicators of success in the form of increasing the number of tourist visits. The second aspect attached to Kresna is Smart Economy. Kresna will increase business opportunities through business development in the surrounding community by creating a business producing clothes and souvenirs from 3D Augmented Reality character mascots.

Contacts: Behance | LinkedIn | Instagram | Email: firaahda2@gmail.com



Fira Ahda
Fira Ahda

Written by Fira Ahda

IT solution enabler. UI/UX Enthusiast. A girl who is always curious about the working mechanisms of the world.

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